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Experience the world of aviation! Our activities connect you  to a variety of  technology based learning. 

Science VR

Fly virtually in the simulated environments with VR ( Virtual Reality) headset and viewers. Some equipment may attach to your head, and other will be a computer screen that displays the horizon through your windshield. You will have flight controls just like the aircraft, including foot pedals and a yolk or joy stick.  Equipment like simulators and headsets help to train your eyes and brain on the movement of the aircraft and how it will react if you change speed or direction. It helps you memorize where the controls are on each panel so that you can react quickly. 


Air Traffic Controllers use specific frequencies and exact phrases to give pilots directions. This avoids collisions by giving each aircraft a precise path to take off and land safely. 


Would you like to talk to an Air Traffic Controller? You will receive a headset and complete a workshop on all of the phrases, codes, and alphabetical characters the controllers use.


Let's go on a field trip together to a local airport! Watch planes and helicopters land on their designated runways and taxi to a stop on the ground. Let's learn about the special markings that make up the boundaries for the actions of the aircraft. Where do the pilots take a break? Would you  like to meet the fire personnel that are trained to respond in an emergency? We will see the airplanes and helicopters connect to the fuel source to fill up their tanks.



Create an airport windsock and learn about weather pattern predictions and how these determine flight paths. You can discover the exact source of weather data and alerts that NASA, NOAA, and our publishes. 


When we go up in the air on a flight together, we'll prepare by checking the weather forecast for a favorable flight! We will teach you to be proactive and avoid the types of weather that may be dangerous for aircraft. 

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